Sunday, May 23, 2010

"Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light." — J.K. Rowling

So, I was looking at my latest posts and realized that I've been sounding like someone had taken a beating to my heart or like I was about to jump off a cliff. However depressing what I've been saying may be, I am not feeling down or sad at all! So, I'm going to take this time to reflect on some of the beautiful, wonderful or extraordinary things in (my) life.

First off, there are friends.
I chose this picture because these are the girls I will be spending a heck of a lot of time with next year while making a book of wisdom, insight and alternative-ness; it will be awesome, it will be intense and it will be a learning experience. I look forward to it all.

Also, as you probably can't tell... We are in New York! I got to go to New York with Newspaper and Yearbook for the greatest trip I've been on in a long time in which we saw a lot, did a lot and ate not a lot. Besides the food, the trip was fantastic and New York is definitely a Wonderful in life.

Next, I'd have to say good weather is something to rejoice over. Nothing beats spending time outside with people you love and getting some Vitamin D. It's relaxing and, as someone who's been in HOSA for two years would say, is very good for you. I now realize that I complain about Houston weather too much. Although the summers are unbearably hot, I tend to forget how gorgeous the fall and spring are. The pretty days are just as wonderful as the rainy/humid/hot days are bad.

Of course, there is Expression; expression in the form of literature, music and art (paintings, drawings, architecture, etc.) These are three things that will always battle loneliness for you, will connect you
in the most intimate of ways with people who you may have never met or never will know, and inspires you to make things that you never expected to be capable of. I think that everything each of us creates is original and yet none of it is original at the same time; we are each other in the sense that we mold each other, help each other grow and feed off of each other. While we are all capable of independence, we still all exist as one human race,
fighting, loving, existing

To address the music aspect of the last bit, I want to do something that sweet Molly does often and list some random music that I love...
-The Lime Tree by Trevor Hall
-Cosmic Love by Florence + The Machine
-Beach Baby by Bon Iver
-California by Joni Mitchell
-Home by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes
-Welcome Home by Radical Face

Curling up with a blanket and a good book would definitely would be high up on the list of things that make my life fantastic. I'd have to say the best book that I've read this year has been "Eat, Pray, Love" and I will admit... now, I want to follow in Gilbert's footsteps. But in addition to that book, "The Sweet Hereafter" was a great perspective-giving book and the Chelsea Handler books definitely entertained me.
The picture I included to the left is to represent movies because I, like most sensible people, absolutely love movies. Mostly I like romantic comedies (what wonderful insight on Love they can give!) and movies that make me laugh or even just relax but, thanks to my friend Chris, I have found my favorite "Great Story" movie, V for Vendetta. That movie is wonderful and I would recommend it to anyone who loves a good story or likes to think.

I'd have to say those are most if not all of my favorite things in life- loved ones, nature (but not in a "SAVE THE EARTH" way. Sorry.), Expression, music, books and movies.

Don't worry, be happy. You are loved.


1 comment:

  1. I've been behind in catching up on your posts. This is beautiful! I am so glad to be especially included in your friends section. That picture (even though you're "eating me" ha) makes me so happy. As I was sitting in church today, I was thinking about how I wanted to be back there. With you. And Dani. And Holls. Singin' in the shower. Or walking the crazy mobbed streets feeling small. Let's do that again. Soon please. I sit here right now looking outside my window in my nook watching the rain pour down, but I love it! It makes me wanna curl up and study for my physics final (psyche!) it makes me really wanna watch the OC or Gossip Girl with a warm cookie and glass of milk. Thanks for the reference in the music section as well. It makes me feel loved and thought of, just as your closing always does. Your thoughts as well as your whole being is so beautiful, Lana! Don't change.

    Love you,
