Monday, July 12, 2010


Man, oh man, you're my best friend.

Today, today we woke up early to go to University of Missouri for the morning. We learned a lot and now feel much better about this whole "college" thing aaaaaaaand Mizzou is definitely on the list now for the both of us. It's a fantastic journalism school so we definitely had yearbook on our mind. Oh wait, we always have yearbook on our mind. Above is the creepy tiger we tried to avoid and scoffed at just minutes before this picture was taken. I swear he heard us. 

Mrs Hogan: We'll take this for Ms. Hartman!

I love Claire's photos.

Acme shirts. It's a t-shirt design company. SUPER cool store.

Just editing the Declaration for Thomas. 
(Claire just goes: Holly Hartman's minions... CO-CHIEFS!)

Long day.


  1. I've loved reading your blogs, both the Syria ones and the Nashville/Missouri ones. And I am so honored to be mentioned! I like Holly Hartman's minions....CO-CHIEFS! But only if you promise to spell CHIEFS correctly. How funny would that be if you misspelled Co-Editor-in-Chief in your byline? I am glad you two are having so much fun, and I can't wait to see you! Hopefully Wednesday!

  2. comments are back! Yeah! Looks like so much fun! Lots of cute pics. Are we seeing Mizzou any anybody's future?? Miss you SO freaking much I can't even tell you
