Sunday, November 7, 2010

Grapes Just Want To Have Fun

Claire, me, Danika

There is nothing like doing something out of the ordinary and enjoying the heck out of it. This weekend, full of oddities, was definitely fantastic for that reason. On Saturday night, I celebrated sweet Al's 18th birthday by doing a few absurd things with the Five. Then, today, Dani, Claire and I participated in Challenge Nation, a huge suburban scavenger hunt race in downtown Houston. The race offers a few prizes for winners and of course, best costume. Hearing the call, we dressed up as the most delectable and ridiculous grapes you have ever seen.

Ahh, my fellow Headitors (and two of my best friends). Dashing, aren't they? I am so lucky to have these two as the people I work with so closely this year. They are hilarious, unique, inspirational and understanding. And I LOVE them!
The clues were.... not exactly easy, but we managed to get 6 of the 12 before giving up and giving in to hunger. Honestly, I only expected us to get like 2 or 3 so the fact that we got half gives us bragging rights without a doubt. We had a really great time just walking around downtown, messing with other teams (although not a certain mother of ours....), taking pictures and taking advantage of the beautiful weather.

Our first clue!

Claire Hogan Photography!

More Claire Hogan Photography!
Don't ask me what Dani and I are doing in this photo.

Popping the balloons was an adventure in itself. We happened upon a spiky plant and decided to use it as a tool. As it clearly shows in this picture, putting your face close to a balloon that's you're trying to pop has painful results. And Danika was entertained.

I invite you this week to do something out of the ordinary, something you'll look back at and smile upon. To Al, happy birthday; you are so dear to me. To Dani and Claire, I'm going to grape you in the mouth. To Hart, you've been graped. To everyone else, everyone's graping in the moonlight. Have a wonderful, exciting week!


  1. Love the photos. They really do show exactly how our version of the scavenger hunt went. haha and now i only have one thing to say.

    The Grapists: conquering the world one grape at a time. Get your mind out of the gutter!

  2. BAHAHA. Oh my. These pictures are fabulous! I love you! And im so glad we got to grape each other in the alleyway! Today was so absurd and I loved it!

  3. OH! and also, you forgot to mention..........the cups.

  4. okay, i know this is excessive commenting here, but i just have to say, i just watched that video again...its even funnier the second time
