Friday, May 31, 2013

Prague Round 1

I'm in Prague. I just smiled saying that. My experience here so far is quite lovely. I just smiled again.


It's hard to say what we've been doing exactly. We have been doing a lot though. This is for sure. Mostly, it's been walking around, exploring and taking it all in. This has been the best introduction, the seemingly aimless wandering. At first, I was frustrated at not always looking at a map, but looking back, it really helped provide the dazzle effect. It seems there is an endless amount of beauty and culture to take in. By not being able to comprehend the bounds, the beauty seems boundless. Like I said, dazzling.

Photo-taking has been really fun, but also difficult. It's hard to feel like I'm getting an original photo since this is such a touristy place, but that's part of the challenge I suppose. That being said, I must say that I'm trying hard to also take the time to really look at Prague through my eyes and not just through a lens. It's so easy to get caught up with the calculations of making what you see into a decent enough photograph that you stop looking at things as a whole. I know that all perspectives have their value; I just want to find the balance.

Speaking of photos, here are some of mine thus far:

Strawberries for pups.

Selfie on dat bridge.

The Lennon wall. I loved this. Victoria and I took couple photos in front of this line.
Sorry, Santiago.

PDA is big thing here. It's common to see couples cuddling, kissing or holding hands.
Most of us find this disturbing, but I like it. I don't mean I enjoy it or whatever, I just think it's sweet and genuine.
In a place where the citizens are stereotyped as cold and mean,
seeing kindness and affection is reassuring and seems even sweeter than your average frat party PDA.

This is from the Museum of Communism.
It was so frustrating and difficult to photograph here because of boring subjects and inadequate lighting.
I was really pushed to try and ended up getting some of my most unique photos yet.

Museum of Communism again.

We took a photo field trip to Olsany Cemetery a few days ago. I am grouping those photos together so you have the best chance of getting a feel for how peaceful and calm I felt there. I spent the first half of my time photographing but then was overcome with the beauty of the place and stopped to sit, look around and journal. And breathe. The air was crisp and cleansing. This pause was also metaphorical. I've described myself this past semester as going a hundred miles per hour and finally I am able to slow down here. I've been feeling really sick, but in a way it's good, because I sleep a lot and take it easy and only do what I want to do instead of what I feel like I should be doing. It's just been really great here so far. Anyway, here are my cemetery photos.

More soon. I miss you guys!
Thank you to my parents for this trip!


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