Thursday, July 29, 2010

Brown: Day.... 5? Who Knows At This Point

Gotta love some Thayer street.

Hello, hello! I know it's been a couple days but between the people, the reading, the classes, the food, the sun and the walking, I really haven't found the time! By the time I go to bed (shockingly about 1 or 2 a.m. Which for me is late!), I'm exhausted. As I'm sure you've gathered, I have been really busy because there's so much to do and while that's awesome, it definitely comes with a lesson or two. During our first floor meeting, my RA Amy was talking about how we were going to have to learn “time-managent” because of how much freedom we have. I, of course, scoffed and flipped my hair because, in my oh so experienced opinion, I already knew everything about time management. Unsurprisingly, I was wrong. Always so wrong! Ah well, at least I'm learning. I failed the first day. Miserably failed. I ended up with 25 pages worth (which is nothing compared to an actual college load. I know.) of scientific article to read at about one in the morning (which, for me, is quite late). Sheesh. Naturally, it didn't get done and I was a little lost the next day. Besides that, everything's been pretty easy-going! There are the greatest girls in my dorm and the weather has been really great! My favorite thing to do is lay out on the green on a blanket and just talk to the friends I've made. It's so wonderful. So wonderful in fact that yesterday I did it for oh... 4 hours? It was blissful. Speaking of the girls in my dorm, living in a building with 20 or so girls that you JUST met has been a really neat and weird experience. I know that I'm extremely comfortable around them already and thinking about how awkward and shy I felt only 4 days ago is surreal. I never understood what people meant when they said about experiences like this but I'm starting to get it. I guess what makes that “get-to-know-you” process go faster is the fact that I live with these girls and they are the group of friends that I have here. I don't know. Either way, it's been really awesome. More later! I'm exhausted and hope to take a little nap before my “How to Find the Right School for You” seminar... Yay college.

Christiana, Debbi, Marissa, Lexi
We walk so much. It's lovely because I like being outside and the weather is superb.

Lexi, me
Lexi from Cleveland, Ohio. She has an AAAccent.

Christiana, Lexi
This is the green and our little "study" spot.

1 comment:

  1. :DD
    i feel like i'm a celebrity. a blog celebrity. its pretty legit.
    your fAYYvorite clevelander
